Our wellness id based on 8 different areas of our life: Spiritual, Emotional, Social, Physical, Occupational, Intellectual, Financial and Environmental. By assessing each area and helping you strengthen those areas identified as less balanced, Dr. Castagnini can help you achieve a better quality of life—ultimately OPTIMAL WELLNESS!
Have you ever wondered how you ended up here…
living a life consumed with thoughts of food and weight…..
struggling so much…..
feeling so hopeless..so scared…and so alone….
when all you started out wanting was to lose some weight just so you could be living a happier life..a better life?
If you have woken up feeling so powerless and trapped….
knowing that what you are doing is not working…unhealthy, but unable to stop…
If food has become “everything to you”… a reward, punishment, comfort…..
If you have tried so many ways to lose weight that you’ve lost count…
If the number on the scale has determined your mood or self esteem for the day…..
Or If you have ever thought to yourself things like:
• “If I just had more will-power and tried harder.”
• “How could I have eaten all those “bad foods” again?…I never want to feel this guilty and disgusting again..
• No, I will get right back on track tomorrow…”be good”. ”
• “Once I finally reach my goal weight, this will ALL be worth it…because then I will finally be happy.
• “I will never really be able to eat what I want without gaining weight”
• “Why is this the ONE thing I can’t be successful at. I am successful in everything else, but this..this is the ONE thing!
• “When I lose enough weight, then I can start to ____ (fill in the blank: date, travel, look for a new job…)
Well, if you have, then this will be the most important website that you have ever come to..
And here’s why…
While I am doctor who is also a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist who knows how to help people get better…..
I also personally understand your struggles…because I have actually been there myself..
And can tell you first-hand that it is possible to move beyond all of this and life a life free from the pain and suffering.
And I have now helped so many people…
People just like you…
So as you are here reading this now as someone who feels exhausted and trapped in an endless battle with food and weight….
You know where you are and probably where you want to be…
The truth is: You just can’t do this on your own! And it is not because you are not doing enough or have not tried hard enough.
You have put in more effort, time and energy into trying to overcome all of this.
You are not the failure.
You deserve a balanced life, free from these struggles.
Help is here waiting for you.
To Your Health and Wellness,
Cristina Castagnini, PhD, CEDS
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In addition to having over 20 years treating patients presenting with all mental health illnesses, Dr. Castagnini has devoted years of training to become an eating disorder specialist. She understands your struggles and knows how to help you overcome them.
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